Post jam work

Now that the jam is over we can technically update our games, however they've asked we don't wipe out the old ones until after the announcement on Tuesday the 27th, so out of paranoia I'm holding off on updating my game. But I've one major tweak in the last day where now the enemies have hit boxes better fitting their bodies so should be more consistent with hitting them. I still plan to add a hitspark where the bullets land (if you're in range because the hitscan bullets do not have infinite range).

Longer term I've been thinking about adding at least one more type of enemy spawn that is a "melee" enemy with a dash to make things more interesting and varied. Give them more health, a bit faster, plus the dash that goes very very fast and hits hard. Having to mix up the gameplan instead of the way you currently handle enemies should add a ton of variety. I also started working on shrinking the map (same number of nodes, but shorter rooms and shorter hallways). Because I fused the map together into one piece this is slower, and I may well just rebuild from scratch at a smaller size.

I don't remember if I posted this in the last update but I made some other changes before, probably the biggest being updates to the basic enemy floater so that they 1) do not fire as soon as they spawn and 2) they make noise when you are close to them so if they spawn behind you you are warned.


ShadowsGDD.pdf 480 kB
Jan 26, 2024
Shadows of 26 MB
Jan 26, 2024

Get Shadows of Plato

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